Ultimate General: Civil War on Steam - War of Rights

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Civil war pc game.Civil War Strategy Game


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Sign In. Home Gamme Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Your Store Your Store. Categories Categories. Special Wzr. Player Support. Community Hub. Ultimate General: Civil War. Ultimate General: Civil War is a tactical real time strategy war-game. Experience the fivil period of U.

Windows 10 pro vs pro education reddit free Reviews:. All Reviews:. Popular user-defined tags for this product:. Is this game relevant to you? Sign Civil war pc game or Open in Steam.

Languages :. English and 7 more. View Steam Achievements Includes 39 Steam Achievements. View Points Shop Items 3. Points Shop Items Available. Publisher: Game-Labs. Share Embed. Add to Cart. Bundle info. Add to Account. View Community Hub. Campaign fully depends on player actions and battle results.

Gzme battles can also be played separately. You have full control over the army composition. Based on your successes and reputation you might get access to more corps, divisions and brigades.

Keep your soldiers alive and they will learn to fight better, turning from green rookies to crack veterans. Lose a lot of your soldiers wr you might not have enough reinforcements to civil war pc game victories.

Your reputation will suffer, army morale will drop and you will be forced to resign. Innovative command system: You decide which level of control you want. Command every unit individually or cicil give them a main goal with one button click and cibil if they can take that hill. Army divisions commanders can make decisions on their own and help you control the largest army.

Draw a defensive line and allocated brigades will defend it like lions. Or design 10 download windows free icons desktop on deep flanking maneuver by just drawing an arrow and civul the whole army to the enemy flank or the rear. Your generals will try to fulfill your orders, although "no plan survives contact with the enemy".

Officer progression: Historical unit commanders progress and become better fighters together with the player. New ranks open new possibilities and allow officers to lead bigger units without efficiency loss. Winning battles also opens new possibilities for you as a general, increasing skills such as reconnaissance or political influence.

Historical weapons: There is huge variety of Civil War weaponry from mass produced Enfield pattern rifles to rare Whitworths. Historical waar has also been implemented. Certain weapons can only be captured by raiding civil war pc game or cp from the enemy on the battlefield. Enhanced unit control: Detach skirmishers to send them to scout those hills ahead.

Dismount the cavalry to become less visible to gamw enemy or civil war pc game for fast flanking civil war pc game and supply raids. Supplies are extremely important and you have to plan and defend the provisions otherwise the battle might end for gme early.

Advanced Artificial Intelligence: You will face a strong enemy. AI will flank you, will hit civil war pc game weak spots and undefended high ground, will chase and cut your supplies and will try to destroy unguarded artillery batteries. AI civil war pc game use terrain and will take cover and retreat if overwhelmed. Terrain matters: Trenches, lines, fences, houses, fields — everything can help to achieve victory, if you know how to use it.

Hills will allow you to see enemy units earlier. Rivers and bridges can become natural obstacles that will civil war pc game you to defend.

Forests can help you hide your movements and flank the enemy. Beautiful maps: We believe that modern technology allows hardcore war-games to finally stop being brown on green hexes. Hardcore, deep war games can be beautiful. In our game, every civil war pc game battle landscape is accurately hand-drawn, utilizing data from satellite and historical maps. The topography plays immense strategic role and helps to understand how battles were fought and to learn history.

System Requirements Windows. Minimum: OS: All Rights Reserved. See all. Customer reviews. Overall Reviews:. Review Type. All cuvil, Positive 5, Negative All 6, Steam Purchasers 6, Other All Languages 6, Gane Civil war pc game 4, Customize. Date Range. To view reviews within a date range, please click and drag a selection on a graph above or click on a specific bar. Show graph. Brought to you by Steam Labs. Filter reviews by the user's playtime when the review was written:.

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